On January 6th, Redditor BSSCommander posted a version discussing Total War: Warhammer to the /r/totalwar sub, accumulating over 3,700 upvotes, 80 comments and several Reddit Awards in one week (shown below, right). On January 4th, Twitter user ChaosGiantMemes tweeted another example of the meme with altered captions, receiving over 102 likes in nine days (shown below, left).

On January 4th, 2021, the first meme was also spread to 9GAG where it received 4,200 points and 156 comments in nine days, as well as FunnyJunk where it accumulated over 1,770 likes.

The meme received over 40,100 upvotes, 540 comments and several Reddit Awards in 10 days (seen below).Īfter the initial meme was shared to /r/HistoryMemes, it then spread to /r/MemeTemplatesOfficial where the blank template was posted to Imgur, allowing other users to create variants of their own (seen below, left and right). The first use of the scene as a meme format occurred on January 3rd, 2021, when Redditor RobotfaceX posted it to the /r/HistoryMemes subreddit discussing the Russian Revolution. During the clip (shown below), there’s a scene where the kangaroo and the man are speaking in his kitchen, which is the image and conversation referenced in the meme. Als das Beuteltier äußert, dass es Lust auf eine Bratwurst oder ein Schnitzelbrötchen hat, beatboxt Marc-Uwe weiter, indem er die Namen verschiedener Fleischgerichte skandiert. Marc-Uwe beatboxt dabei zum Unmut des Kängurus. The original scene that the meme originates from is seen during the trailer for The Kangaroo Chronicles, which was uploaded to YouTube in December 2019. Bei Dont Look Up ist es Donald Trump und Elon Musk, beim Känguru die AfD und Megakonzerne im Allgemeinen), die Anspielungen und überzogene Darstellung von Kulturgütern wie Fight Club, die hin und wieder doch tieferen Gedichte von Marc-Uwe Kling. Marc-Uwe und das Känguru sind in der Stadt unterwegs, um etwas zu essen zu kaufen.