
Dr caroline leaf brain
Dr caroline leaf brain

dr caroline leaf brain

Leaf’s 5 Step NeuroCycle – gather, reflect, write, recheck, and active reach Once you recognize it, accept it and prepare your brain for change through breathing and movement exercises that change your neurophysiology.

dr caroline leaf brain

🔎 The first step to being a thought detective is to spot a pattern. 🧠 Your mind is either managed or unmanaged, but it never stops. It takes at least 63 days to create behavior change. 🚫 There are no shortcuts to cleaning up your mental mess. When emotions are suppressed, they recycle in the body and the mind. ♻️ Don’t suppress or invalidate your child’s feelings, instead let them know that feelings are helpful messengers that allow us to explore what’s going on and redesign the pattern. Those thoughts have feelings associated with them which lead to choices. 💭 We need to be comfortable sitting with our thoughts. Caroline Leaf Key points from our conversation: Teaching Your Kids to Be Thought Detectives with Dr. In this episode we dig into how invalidating our kid’s feelings can affect their mental and physical health, different techniques for temporarily containing instead of repressing anxious thoughts, and Dr. We’re continuing our discussion of how we can learn to retrain our brains by systematically managing our thoughts, feelings, and choices. Teaching Your Kids to Be Thought Detectives is the subject of the second half of my interview with Neuroscientist and Mental Health Expert Dr.

Dr caroline leaf brain