The story is structured as a series of scenes, spaced thousands and thousands of years apart and always dealing with different characters.

I watched some films like i robot and I’ve read loads of stuff that reference him and that was inspired by him but this was the firs thing I’ve read that was penned by the man himself and it was AWESOME! So this was my first direct exposure to Issac Asimov. In conclusion, I highly recommend this short story and would love to hear other people’s takes on it.So after many years sitting on my ‘to read’ list I finally picked up some Issac Asimov in the form of his short story ‘The Last Question.’ Though there are many different opinions on what the overall theme is, I personally found it to be about the circle of life, and that eventual death is inescapable. While reading, it really puts your mind to work, and even after finishing, I kept thinking about it. Many literary devices were used, especially irony, which is very commonly found in this author’s work.Īsimov’s tone throughout his story is very serious and reflective. It then stated, “Let there be light,” making a biblical allusion. When all matter ceased to exist, and the computer only existed in hyperspace, it finally answered the question and knew how to reverse entropy. The computer continued to shrink over the years, as well as increase its knowledge. We are obviously mortals and know that death will come but I’m almost positive everyone has wished to be able to live forever, however, in Asimov’s story, the immortal beings knew that they would exist for billions and trillions of years, but still worried about their future extinction. The characters were all immortals, and yet the worry and fear of death always lingered in the back of their heads, much like in the real world. I found The Last Question to be extremely intriguing and captivating. Trillions of years go by, and it could never answer this question, and could only reply with “Insufficient data for a meaningful answer,” until the very end of the story. The computer succeeds with this until it is asked if entropy can be reversed.

It follows a super computer, which is constantly searching for more information to be able to answer every question. The short story begins on earth during the year 2061. A Spectacular Story That Shouldn’t Be Ignored