
Mary robinette kowal the calculating stars
Mary robinette kowal the calculating stars

mary robinette kowal the calculating stars

There are choices that could have been made under a different leader that would have sent the world in a different direction - better? Who knows. … watching the way the entire planet rallied around the United States and the tragedy, and then the choices that the United States made that deepened a divide. The other thing is that under the circumstances what I was thinking about were the times that really huge disasters have happened, specifically the events right after 9/11.

mary robinette kowal the calculating stars

Partly, it was that I was writing towards the future that I want to see. Kowal: Well, the International Space Station is not possible with a single country. : Why did you choose to have all of space exploration be done through an international collaboration? There are parts of the book where I knew the emotional arc of the scene, and I knew that I needed the characters to be demonstrating competence in this scene, so I would say things like, "And then the captain turned to me and said and I replied as he ed the ," and I would send it over to my astronaut friends and say,"'Could you just play Mad Libs?" So all the science in there that is correct is not me. Kowal: I would often go and try to look those things up and open it and just go, "Hmm, well, I can see that the answer is here but I don't actually understand it, and the amount of information that I would have to have to understand it would require me to have a graduate degree." … I had multiple other people on tap, I had a couple of astronauts, I had a flight surgeon.

mary robinette kowal the calculating stars

: What sort of research did you do to get the aerospace stuff right? … I just really wanted to dig into that and also explore what would have happened if we had been trying to send people to space when we didn't have mechanical computers, when the only way to send a computer into space was to send a woman. … I started exploring women's early involvement in the space program and discovered that it was far more extensive than I had had any idea - I was writing these before " Hidden Figures" came out - and so it was this kind of constant revelation about how thoroughly embedded and essential women were. Everything was still on punch cards, and it was amazing, these giant rooms, and that's where my initial wonder about computing came from. Kowal: I joke that it's a punch-card punk universe, and that is basically coming from going to IBM with my dad when I was a kid.

Mary robinette kowal the calculating stars