As humanist factions war with mechanist loyalist for control of the future, the masterless Tohru is about to become the first Rai that must choose for himself how best to defend his people, his family, and his honor. For forty generations, Grandmother's benevolent dominion has endured, but in the wake of her sudden disappearance, Rai will become all that stands between his nation and all-out chaos. Infused with the energy of his ancestors and dedicated to the way of the samurai, Rai is sworn to the service of Grandmother - the personified, artificial intelligence that governs the island nation of Japan. Tohru Nakadai is the 42nd Rai, the spirit guardian of Japan. For forty generations, Grandmother's benevolent dominion has endured, but in the wake of her sudden disappearance, Rai will become all that stands between his nation and all-out chaos.".

Tohru Nakadai is the 42nd Rai, the spirit guardian of Japan.